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How to Maintain Fiber Optic Splice Closures and Algorithm Standards

How to protect the fiber optic splice closure: The fiber optic splice closure should be waterproof, sun-proof, and anti-aging. As long as the protection is done, it can slow down its aging level. The fiber optic splice closure is easy to enter the water because the space inside the fiber optic splice closure is small, and the power supply line of the 35 square millimeter cable is flowed by the plastic shrink tube, and the waterproof bending is not performed, so that the rainwater flows along the cable to the charged terminal. Because the gap between the terminals is small, the facilities are not in place, and it is easy to short-circuit after entering the water. In addition to the shortcomings of the fiber optic splice closure, there are cooling holes and wiring holes in the vicinity, and it becomes a water inlet hole in the rainy day. The high-voltage fiber optic splice closure that is being used should be regularly checked and protected, and the wires in the box should be re-pressed in real time, and the strength of the box should be remedied, and the wires that have been damaged or the level is not enough and the aging is severe can be exchanged in real time. Install a fiber optic splice closure to prevent excessive wiring. The waterproof function is poor because of the sky color, the fiber optic splice closure is short-circuited by water, which is very likely to cause a large power outage. Every time after the rain, there is always a fiber optic splice closure destroyed. Scale algorithm for fiber optic splice closure: 1. After the cable connector receives the two-way test, there is no scale or example of the uniform value of the uniform value. 2. The cable connector bidirectional test values are all negative values.

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