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Fiber Optic Rack Technician

Fiber-optics consist of a bundle of thin glass or plastic strands. This is coated or surrounded in material that allows light to pass through the fibers without escaping out the sides. Signals can pass through them at very high speeds from the point of origin to the destination, with minimal loss in quality or data. Companies use fiber-optics to transmit Internet data, audio information for telephones, and images for television or medical cameras. A fiber-optic technician, in a broad sense, installs and maintains fiber-optic systems and locates and repairs defects within these systems. There are a wide variety of employment and educational options within this field. Some general areas of focus include making sensors, performing optical inspections or working within the a certain field, such as lighting, communications or medical. Fiber-optics is the science of sending signals, in the form of light, through either glass or plastic fibers. This field first began in the 1970s, and by the 1980s, fiber was replacing copper as the preferred way to transmit information. This is because fiber allows more information to go longer distances in a shorter amount of time. It also has become a more economical way to send information. Someone who wishes to work as a fiber-optic technician must, at the very least, have a high school diploma or an equivalent certification. It has become increasingly common for those wishing to enter the field to earn a two-year associate's degree from an accredited community college. Courses can include technical math, such as geometry and algebra, as well as fiber-optic-specific courses, increasing in difficulty as the student progresses toward his or her degree. Fiber Optic Rack is very beneficial for joining DSL, cable, satellite, and dialup for internet access. The higher speeds and reliability this fiber optic offers make it considerable. However, installing it can take a lot of times. Here you can read some simple tips on how to install it.

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