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Deep Understanding of Greentelftth Fiber PLC Splitter I

Fiber PLC splitter plays an important role in passive PLCal network (PON), where a point-to-multipoint architecture is implemented without any electrically power switching equipment involved. It is used to enable a single PLCal fiber to serve multiple end-points, like customers, without having to provision individual fibers between the hub and customer, which greatly reduces time and capital cost. In this post, we will introduce fiber PLC splitter from three aspect which can make you have a deep understanding of it. Fiber PLC Splitter Types: PLC VS. FBT Generally, based on different working principles, fiber PLC splitter can be divided into FBT splitter and PLC splitter. FBT Splitter: Based on traditional technology, FBT (fused biconical taper) splitter contains two fibers which are placed closely together, typically twisted around each other and fused together by applying heat while the assembly is being elongated and tapered. It is made out of materials that are easily available, such as steel, fiber, hot dorm. All of these materials are low-price, making the device itself inexpensive. With its low cost and easy installation, FBT splitter are widely adopted in passive networks, especially for instances where the split configuration is smaller (like 1×2, 1×4, 2×2, etc.). The following image shows a 2×2 FBT splitter. 2×2 FBT splitter PLC Splitter: PLC (planar lightwave circuit) splitter is the recent addition in fiber PLC technology to exhibit uniform signal splitting among the most advanced PLCal networks. PLC splitter is a fully passive PLCal branching device that is based on planar light wave circuit technology and precision aligning process, which can evenly split or distribute a single PLCal signal/input into many outputs with high accuracy and minimal loss in an efficient manner. PLC splitter is a high-quality device, which offers a better solution for larger applications. Here is a picture of 1×64 PLC splitter.

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